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We assure your well-being

Our agents will inform you, so that you can meet the best choice to your assurances. You can conclude with us of life, health insurances and accident insurances, as well as, we offer cars, household effects, pension scheme and financial discussion.

 Catalana Occidente Insurances


Catalana Occidente is a group which has to offer a large list of assurances. From private (cars, household effects, rent …) about individual (investments, life insurances and pension schemes) to firms (small firms, offices, business …) or their office workers (health insurances, accident insurances or life insurances …).

The assurance offers all possible covers to us: car, motor cycles, household effects, life insurance, mortal assurance, pension scheme, savings contracts, etc specially is to be named our assurance MILLENIUM. Here it is about a special car insurance which offers six different modalities. There is this for cars and also for Motorbikes. Some qualities of this assurance are:

    • To inform of the damage cases or of accidents adaptation to the damage freedom discount of the customer from other contracts
    • Possibility by telephone
    • Free choice of the workshop for repairs
    • Repair or replacement of discs without long 24 Saint from km 0
    • Asistencia en viaje 24 horas desde el km. 0
    • Fast and comfortable visit of the consultant wait
    • Towing-service

For motor cycle assurances there are the following covers:

    • Cover for the driver in the damage case
    • Right protection and complaints into three parts
    • Towing-service from 125 cc
    • Defense with announcements
    • Damage freedom discount

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